
Thursday, 22 May 2014

Room 6 Daily Rubbish

Room 6 Rubbish
Over the week room 6 has been counting the rubbish we bring to school.
In our line graph it shows you that on Thursday the most rubbish brought to school was chippie packets. Chippie packets stays as the highest amount of rubbish brought to school until Tuesday. On Tuesday 32 pieces of fruit were brought to school.

Monday, 19 May 2014


Today we did a test on they're, their and there. I got all of my questions correct. 

Xtramath Result

This is my xtramath result. I finally think that I am on multiplication. 

Monday, 12 May 2014



If something is biodegradable it will break down into the earth.

These thing take 1 year to break down
- Plywood
- Cigarette Butts
- Woolen socks

These things take 5 years to break down
- Milk Cartons
- Egg trays
-  Leather

Non degradable things do not break down.

These ten thing are not biodegradable and should be recycled
- Paper
- Glass
- Aluminium
- Nappies
- Cerometics
- Tyers
- Steal
- Styrofoam
- Rubber

Xtramath Results

This is my xtramath results for this week. I think that I could do better.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

That was summer

That was Summer

Have you heard summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when you were told the saftey tips on how to windsurf?
or butterfly rescuing out to where the water is deeper
and you were exhausted
and you were frightened of falling in the water?
Remember when you tipped the board and fell in the water?
That was summer.

Have you ever touched summer ?
Sure you have.
Remember when you first entered the rock climbing cave.
or tightening your harness
and you were uncomfortable
and when you touched the top to the climbing wall?
Remember pushing off the wall back onto the ground?
That was summer.   

Have you tasted summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when you had a basket of chocolate eggs that you just found?
or opening up the wrapper of the first one
and taking your first bite
and looking at your basket and having only 1 more left?
Remember trying to save the last one for just a little bit longer?
That was summer.

Have you smelled summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when you were preparing to design a t-shirt   
or cutting your design out to make a stencil
and getting your t-shirt you wanted
and asking an adult to print you design on to your t - shirt?
Remember the smell of the special paint?
That was summer.

Have you touched summer?
Sure you have
Remember opening up a book to the first page
or feeling the soft cover
and flipping the rough pages
and making it to the next chapter?
Remember running your finger across the page as you read?

That was summer.

Monday, 5 May 2014

Xtramath Results

This is my xtramath results. I think I did well because I only answered 2 of the equations wrong.

Algebra Game

Today we played the algebra game. To play you use substitution to answer the question. It was easy because I played this game last year and I know my multiplication and division.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Holiday Reading - Summary

The activity I made up was to find your favourite part of the book and write a summary on it.

Summary: Tom was listening to the boy next to him ( Marcus ) go on and on about how his costume was going to be one of the winning costumes at the book parade. But when the day came Marcus forgot to bring his costume and no one was home. He was sent to the spare costume room and came back with elephant ears and a elephant trunk.  

This was my favourite part because after Marcus did all of the bragging about his costume, he forgot it and didn't win a prize.

The author of the book I read was Tom Gates Best Book Day Ever (so far). The author of the book is Liz Pichon. This book is an adventure book.